series, medium telephoto
Follows Katherine Ravenscroft, a television documentary journalist whose work is based on exposing wrongdoing by long-respected institutions. Gary Oldman was originally rumored to be cast, but was replaced by Kevin Kline. Jonathon uses the same lens in several episodes.
Update after the ending: I cut from 8 to 7
Such a lens would not be able to focus on close objects, for example selfies with Sasha or in the bedroom with Katrina. In the end, it’s a pretty simple story complicated only by the storytelling devices, and I think that’s about it. Three words from Cate Blanchett and everything would be immediately clear.
And ultimately “men bad, stupid or weak, women good”
the main problem is that people don’t act and react like real people. For example, colleagues who decide to immediately hate him based on some old guy’s ramblings. By the way, even in the book version of events, there is no reason to hate him so much.
it’s really boring now
It’s hard to understand the bad reviews. People decide there are plot holes in the middle of a story when they don’t have all the pieces. Others who think the seduction scene was funny – they are obviously not men, it was incredible and the actress who plays the younger version of Cate Blanchett is fantastic and so beautiful it hurts my eyes.
The cinematography is great, the actors are great and the story is engaging
I would have preferred to wait until the end to rate and review but the sheer stupidity of the negative reviews made me write something. I don’t know how it will make the landing, but for now – hjghly recommended.